Monday 18 August 2014



Crime is expensive! It costs millions of rand [or US dollars if you prefer] to fund and the criminals want to be recompensed for their effort and the risks they are facing. This is only the money component to criminal activities. You should always remember that it is driven by people. Criminals are motivated by a myriad of different issues in their lives. And they do go to any extremes to execute their criminal actions. Killing of people is obviously the ultimate. In this report the police says that in many instances tobacco smuggling can be linked to international crime syndicates. It might even be linked to modern day slavery or servitude and human trafficking. These international criminal syndicates operate their "businesses" on sound business  and financial principles - besides the illegal activities. 

I have recently delivered a speech at the West Gauteng Branch of the Genealogical Society of South Africa on traditional slavery and modern day slavery. I am of the considered view that modern day slavery is far bigger than traditional slavery ever was. It is estimated that there are more or less 35 000 children in South Africa subject to slavery, servitude or bonded labour. 

It is a matter of great concern that the convicted drug trafficker, Glen Agliotti's name is mentioned in respect of tobacco smuggling. If you google his name you will find a host of references to this man and alleged activities he might be linked to. 

Friday 8 August 2014



Judge Yacoob [the only blind judge as far as I am aware of in South Africa] from the highest court in our country, the Constitutional Court, made a staggering statement: he is of the view that our beloved President who have just dined with President Barack Obama, should have been found guilty of rape way back in 2006. Very dapper of the man to disclose this sentiment!

I agree with the judge.

I do have some problems with this statement, if it is quoted correctly and not out of context that is, why now? Judge, since 2006 you kept quiet, why? What prompted you to make it now? Why did you only see it now, may I ask?

I wonder what is your viewpoint on the verdict of that judge in Natal who quashed the criminal charges against our beloved president? What is that judge's name again? Nicholson?