Monday 7 April 2014

Not the normal way of playing golf! What would the ANC say about this?

Ag siestog!! Ag shame!!

This is obviously not the way to play golf!! And I am not a golfer at all. Having said that, I link it to the way our beloved and honored State President Jacob Zuma is playing politics and playing around in his high office as State President. 

How on earth, you ask me, is that possible? 

I am not going to tell you how to play golf and what a normal golf club looks like. We know that. 

Tuli Madonsela pointed out how Zuma played/fooled around Nkandla and how the ANC is covering up on this lot. So - you begin to see how I am thinking? Madonsela tells us the correct way of playing politics and the correct way of playing around in the Presidency. 

Zuma and his party wraps it around a tree. Ag shame!!! And they push it down our throats that it is the best and only way to play/fool around the Nkandla trees. I suggest to you that even the Zuma-chickens will have a good chuckle about this lot while he is cooling his heels in his pool waiting for the fire brigade to extinguish his fires he lit.

Wednesday 19 February 2014

Liefdesmoord?!!! Love-murder?!!!!

Have you read this garbage from a grandmother? Her grandson allegedly killed his "loved one" because he "... dearly loved her ..."

Read this newspaper article. If you don't understand Afrikaans please ask someone to assist you.

I am hugely upset by this utter nonsense. Does it mean that you have to kill someone if you love that person? Or, because you have not killed your loved one, the deduction is irresistible that you don't love that person?

No, grandma is not the only person punting these horrific thoughts. I encountered it years ago when Ronald Stanley Savage killed his wife in Umhlanga Rocks by stabbing her with a steak knife. The State Prosecutor told me: "He must have loved her dearly."

I relive that horror today when I read what this woman said about her grandson.

No - you cannot expect wisdom even from the elderly.

Tuesday 14 January 2014

Driving with impunity? No!

Read this newspaper report and look at the photograph - this is such an everyday occurrence in our lovely country.

Driving with impunity? No!

A driver of a vehicle with a flashing light on top of the vehicle should behave like a normal ordinary citizen and still take care of his cargo and other road users. He/she may not drive without care and then hide behind "... the call of duty ..." That driver's duty extends to all road users. Of course we all will immediately concede that under certain circumstances that vehicle should be afforded the space on the road to ignore ordinary traffic rules. Having said that, it goes further that the driver of such a vehicle should still do so with reasonable care and should the situation dictate to be more vigilant, then the driver should do exactly that: be more vigilant. 

I trust that this matter will be  investigated and that it should proceed to court - remember justice must also be seen to be done!

Tuesday 31 December 2013

Let this be our aim for 2014

I suggest to you that our new year's resolutions should be extremely simple - that is why I chose this one for 2014: "See to it that you complete the work you have received in the Lord." 

It calls for a Christian work ethic which is desperately lacking in our fractured rainbow nation. We've got work to do. Let us do it with gusto, honestly and diligently! Christ Jesus is our aim. 

Thursday 5 December 2013


Do you have a Police record for criminal offences that are older than 10 years? You can have it now expunged and go on with a clean slate as it were.

You may try your hand at it by doing it yourself or you may contact me - see my contact details on my blog.

Monday 28 October 2013

SAPS: Who are the real criminals?

This is NOT a Police General.
Neither is it General Phiyega!
Neither is it General Finished and Klaar!
BEELD Monday 28 October 2013 page 8.
The author of the above article in BEELD of Monday 28 October 2013 asks the same question? I suggest that Krejcir & even Agliotti might have some valuable clues to these questions.

Thursday 17 October 2013

Cabinet Minister was lying to Parliament! Shame on you!

The report in today's BEELD [17 October 2013] on page 6 tells this story of the honourable Dina Pule who was fined by Parliament for telling lies. She had to pay one month's salary and she was kicked out of Parliament for one month. .

She was supposed to disclose assets - but she failed to do so. Now Prof Ben Turok is reported to have said that the real question about this lady is whether she will be honest this time.

This is very bad and it stinks!! Let me say that we do not need "better systems." Our systems are in essence well thought out and tough. It is people that drive it that is the problem - like this honourable member of Parliament.

We need honesty, integrity, a work ethic, trustworthiness, morality - and so I can go on and list these qualities that are so sadly lacking in our community.