Monday 13 June 2022




How effective are these notices? What colour notices can be issued? Tell me more about the subjects of these notices? What matters are not subject to Red Notices or any other colour? This information is current as of 8 June 2022 and should be checked regularly for updates. Click on this link for updates:


How many Red Notices are there?

There are currently approximately 69,270 valid Red Notices, of which some 7,500 are public.


The majority of Red Notices are restricted to law enforcement use only.


In some cases, for example where the public’s help is needed to locate an individual or they pose a threat to public safety, a public extract of the Red Notice is published on this website.


In 2021, INTERPOL issued 10,776 Red Notices.

Who are the subjects of Red Notices?

Red Notices are issued for fugitives wanted either for prosecution or to serve a sentence. This follows judicial proceedings in the country issuing the request. This is not always the home country of the individual, but the country where the crime was committed.


When a person is sought for prosecution, they have not been convicted and should be considered innocent until proven guilty. A person sought to serve a sentence means they have been found guilty by a court in the issuing country.


What checks are done before a Red Notice is issued?

Every Red Notice request is checked by a specialised task force to ensure it is compliant with our rules. This review takes into account information available at the time of publication.


Whenever new and relevant information is brought to the attention of the General Secretariat after a Red Notice has been issued, the task force re-examines the case.

Offences for which a Red Notice may not be issued

Article 83 of INTERPOL’s Rules on the Processing of Data (RPD) sets out the specific conditions for the publication of Red Notices.


Red Notices may be published only if the offence concerned is a serious ordinary-law crime. They may not be published for the following categories of offences:


offences that in various countries raise controversial issues relating to behavioural or cultural norms;

offences relating to family/private matters;

offences originating from a violation of laws or regulations of an administrative nature or deriving from private disputes, unless the criminal activity is aimed at facilitating a serious crime or is suspected of being connected to organized crime.

The General Secretariat maintains a non-exhaustive list of specific offences that fall within the above categories.


The current list of offences for which a Red Notice may not be published can be downloaded in the Related Documents section below.


Are the individuals wanted by INTERPOL?

No, they are wanted by a country or an international tribunal.


INTERPOL cannot compel the law enforcement authorities in any country to arrest someone who is the subject of a Red Notice.


Each member country decides what legal value it gives to a Red Notice and the authority of their law enforcement officers to make arrests.


Why are Red Notices important?

They are used to simultaneously alert police in all our member countries about internationally wanted fugitives. Police in other countries can then be on the watch for them and use the Red Notice to support extradition proceedings.


Red Notices help bring fugitives to justice, sometimes many years after the original crime was committed.


What should I do if I have information on an individual?

Please inform your local police authorities and/or the INTERPOL General Secretariat. If you have information on any person who is subject to any notice that was issued by Interpol, please click on this link and fill out the form requesting information:


Thank you for reading this story and I would appreciate it to hear from you:


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Wednesday 8 June 2022


Atul Gupta, who was arrested with his brother, Rajesh, in

Dubai on Monday [6 June 2022: CJC], Photograph: AP

Why is that important? Because these guys were fingered in a judicial enquiry led by the Deputy Chief Justice Raymond Zondo. No, they were not found guilty of any crime in South Africa whatsoever and to allege that they are criminals is also not true.

South Africa is seeking to extradite these guys from Dubai. You can read the article by clicking on this link:

You can find information about the executive Committee of the Zondo-commission by clicking on this link: If you need more information about this commission and the sterling work it is doing, rattling the cages of Zuma and the Guptas and a whole lot other guys, you will find it on the internet.

For information about the Guptas in South Africa, the internet is full of various articles, information and images. After having read some of these internet sources, I suggest that it is safe to allege that they are notorious. The relationship between them and the erstwhile president of SA, Jacob Zuma is fairly well established. There are also numerous websites with all sorts of information about this character Zuma as well.

Atul Gupta “advising” Zuma – and I will assume that this photo was taken a long time ago [according to the website it was taken in 2011 – that was during the time when Zuma allegedly got advice from these brothers

To return to the Guptas we should have a look at Interpol’s Red Notice that was issued on during March 2022. According to an article on the web, Interpol issued its Red Notice in respect of the Guptas during March 2022; you can read that article by clicking on this link:

You will ask me: “What is a Red Notice? Isn’t it an international warrant of arrest for a dangerous criminal? The answer is an emphatic NO – it is not an international warrant of arrest. Well – what then this RED NOTICE? I quote from Interpol’s website:

“What is a Red Notice? A Red Notice is a request to law enforcement worldwide to locate and provisionally arrest a person pending extradition, surrender, or similar legal action.

It contains two main types of information: Information to identify the wanted person, such as their name, date of birth, nationality, hair and eye colour, photographs and fingerprints if available.

Information related to the crime they are wanted for, which can typically be murder, rape, child abuse or armed robbery.

Red Notices are published by INTERPOL at the request of a member country, and must comply with INTERPOL’s Constitution and Rules. A Red Notice is not an international arrest warrant.[My cursive and red.]

A Red Notice is an international wanted persons notice, but it is not an arrest warrant. [Click on this link: and it will take you straight to Interpol’s literature about this thing that is on everybody’s lips in South Africa.] When you are on the website, you may just as well watch the video explaining what a Red Notice is.

To view Red Notices, and to read about the type of person that is the subject thereof click on this link: There are photos as well just to satisfy your curiosity. And the Gupta’s are in that “illustrious” company.

Photos taken from Interpol Red Notice website. Surprisingly there are women
on this Red Notice list as well.

Please don’t jump for joy when you read about their provisional arrest – they have not been extradited to the RSA and they were not found guilty of any crime whatsoever. The best I can say [and I am happy to say it] is that the legal processes [and most probably other processes whether legal or not] are going ahead. We can be sure that they, and probably Zuma’s sphere of influence, will also be looking into this lot. Stay tuned and please write me an e-mail to tell me what do you think?

My e-address is: or my gmail account is

Thank you for reading thus far.

Wednesday 23 February 2022



Brunsvigia, Dullstroom, Mpumalanga 2021

Brunsvigia, Dullstroom, Mpumalanga 2021

Please have a look at my GALLERY page for a number of images of Dullstroom, Mpumalanga. 

That visit of me and my wife during February 2021 was rather eventful in that I still have living proof of our visit there: plants that I cultivated! Eucomis and brunsvigia. The eucomis was familiar to me because I have some in my garden - the story of those plants are below. 


Brunsvigia? Oh gosh! What  is that? I quickly learnt. 

When we were on our way to Dullstroom, I could never have imagined what was waiting for me; and to top it, I never thought that it would have a long lasting effect. 

These plants are indigenous plant material from South Africa. My photos bring back such a lot of very fond and inspiring memories. It is a trip that I will not forget because I now have living plants in my garden; I brought  back seeds and leaves; then I cultivated plants from it. 

My very first impression of this exotic looking plant, which was later identified as the brunsvigia, was that it is not real. How can such a thing of beauty exists? How can it just grow in an open country side with the harsh sun burning down on it? It becomes very cold and rough out there, and yet, it was growing and flourishing; how is it possible that a thing of such beauty can survive? And to crown it, the veld was peppered with it. And it is indigenous to my country. I find the brunsvigia an interesting plant. I had to get out of the car and have a closer look. To touch it was bliss. The candelabra flower contained seeds. And I took some - it was irresistible.  

Back home, I put about 60 brunsvigia seeds into the soil [in pots] and about 35 plants are growing. It took months in the coarse river sand to sprout. 

Brunsvigia from Dullstroom, Mpumalanga

Brunsvigia, Dullstroom, Mpumalanga


Now, onto my eucomis!

Some time ago I got a eucomis autumnalis [pineapple lily] and I was intrigued by this very strange and wonderful plant. I immediately started reading up about it and realised it is indigenous to my country. The upshot was that I cultivated 105 bulbs from five leaves that I cut and put into coarse river sand for about 6 months; I harvested the bulbs and shared some with a fair number of my friends. Every time I look at my flowering eucomis,  it is such a pleasure to remember how I cultivated it - by cutting five leaves into 15 cuttings, putting it into the coarse river sand and keeping the sand moist. Then I had to wait very painfully and slowly for about six months to investigate and found that there they were: tiny bulbs! 105 of them.

And during February 2021 I got 5 leaves in Dullstroom and cultivated 18 bulbs from those leaves; also in river sand. The waiting game started all over! Well, I am very happy to report that after six months of patiently waiting, the bulbs were waiting down under for me to admire.

Now, I ask you: how can you not be captivated by these plants.

Eucomis: Dullstoom, Mpumalanga 2021

Eucomis: Dullstoom, Mpumalanga 2021

Thursday 17 February 2022


Lush green fern - as a child we never had ferns like these 

Gardens and steam trains. I grew up with steam trains. But not with gardens. I think we were too poor to have a garden - I mean a big, lush garden overflowing with beautiful scented flowers and exotic plants. We didn't even have friends with that type of garden. Do I regret it? No - absolutely not. I grew up with steam trains fired up with coal. You could see the smouldering coal inside the fire chamber. And you could hear the metal shovels throwing the coal  into those fiery chambers. There was not time to think about what I did not have. 

And that is how still live: I cannot regret the things that I did not have. Get on with living your life.

But - it changed. My wife started our garden in the Morningside home where we were living for on 41 years. And that is where I started gardening on 1 January 2013 - that makes me at almost 72 years of age a relatively young gardener. 

That was the background story of me making this video. I don't know who the videographer of the train was, and I don't know who is involved with the beautiful music that I have used. I want to pay tribute to them and thank them for making - and that enabled me to create my story of a train and a garden.

Oh yes, you will see a sculpture at almost the end of the video. Who sculpted it? Me and two much younger people under the tutelage of Nicholas Smith - thank you Nicholas and thank you that you are still my friend. 

I do hope that you have enjoyed it.

God bless you. 

Sunday 23 January 2022


 Wild olive  tree [olea africana] in my previous home in Morningside Sandton

You may ask me what have I been doing with myself? Well, a lot of things happened in the meantime. All of a sudden I realised that I am not the world's greatest blogger! I assure you that a lot of things happened. 

The photograph of this wild olive tree [olea africana] is standing in the garden of my previous home in Morningside, Sandton. My wife planted it many years ago. This is a composite of the original image I took.

We sold the property after living there for almost 41 years - yes, we built it and now we are no longer living there. We are now living  in a home in Rivonia, Gauteng just about 6 kilometers from the previous property.

And we are so happy in this house - it is an abundant blessing. 

Our son is working in Qatar and of course he wanted to know what we were doing - you should remember that, that property was the only home that he knew although he was born in Parkhurst, Johannesburg.

I made a short video explaining to him what was happening to our garden. We moved from a rather big piece of land to a very small piece - now we are learning brand new gardening methods because it is container gardening. And I tackled the containers we had and painted it in preparation to move to the Rivonia. Please look at my video - the narrative is in Afrikaans our mother tongue.

The first pots I am pointing out were made by my paternal grandfather and his eldest son, Uncle Johannes. 

The four brown clay pots I got from friends who are sadly no longer with us - they passed long ago. The story behind these pots are that the indigenous people of the northern parts of South Africa made it. The ones in my video were relatively recently made. But another photographer friend who also did spelunking found similar pots deep down in the grottos and the indications are these were a couple of hundred years old. What I particularly like about this story is that the original markings on my pots are exactly the same as those deep deep down under the earth and a couple of hundred years old!! 

This is all for now - I will later tell you more about the move. 

I trust that you will be blessed during 2022.

Wednesday 18 August 2021


That contraption?

My first story: My wife and I walked into this embroidery shop and I saw it immediately. No, I must correct myself just in case you misunderstand me. I didn't see it. This contraption shouted at me!

It shouted at me: "Hi Neels, please look at me! I am standing on this top shelf for years and years and years and nobody takes notice of me!"

I felt so sorry for it. I called a shop assistant and pointed it out and asked: "What is that?"

"What?" She asked me dumbfounded.

"That thing over there."

"I've never seen it!" 

I couldn't believe my ears. How long have you been working here? About seven years she replied.

I asked another young lady and she was just as flabbergasted as the first - she did not had the faintest idea because she has never seen it. Another elderly lady shouted out: "It’s a weaving loom!"

My immediate response was: "No, it’s not!" 

It turned out that it was the owner of the shop who mentioned it being a weaving loom and the latter young lady was her daughter - mother bought this shop seven years earlier and never bothered to find out what it is!

 My friend, the contraption was shaking with embarrassment. They took it off the dusty shelf and I started examining it; eventually I took about eight photographs of it and decided to find out what it is.i

I started writing e-letters and whatsapp notes to lady friends and male friends - nobody had any idea. But then some-one offered an explanation: you wind wool around the spool and make a rug. And then another one tried explaining it - you weave wool around it and join the ends.

And so, my quest to identify it took some direction, but not quite satisfactory.

The point of my story is not what that contraption is about; it is about people walking oblivious about their surroundings.  Do you notice things around you?  Good for you. My next question is: do you ask what it is? For instance, a tree? What is a tree? Find out. Google it. Read about the rooting system, read about the leaves. Go for it.

My next story: I walked into this huge reception area of a posh auditor’s firm who pride themselves to be not your ordinary auditors and was stunned by the opulence. The furniture was luxurious. The glass tops on the coffee tables were thick and on the face of it hugely expensive. I was met by the official whom I had the appointment with and we started chatting. I congratulated her working for this well-to-do firm and I pointed out some of the artwork that is so in your face that you can't miss it. Her response? "Sorry, I have never noticed it!" She was working for that firm for more than 9 years. She then told me that she walks there every day and never seen it before.

I recently discovered the late Prof. Mike Rose on my twitter account! He couldn't get enough out of life! He lived it to the fullest extent. Always asking questions always inquisitive about his surrounds and the people around him. And asking himself what he can do about it. And he referred me to an article by a medical doctor advising that you should count and write.  I read his BlogSpot article ON COUNTING AND WRITING and you can find it here by clicking on this link.

They are indeed doing their jobs faithfully and responsibly. But my question is: is there not more to life than just doing your job faithfully and diligently? Does it mean that you are only doing your job to the best of your abilities and that is where your life ends? The answer is of course there is much, much more to life than that. Is your life tiresome and sole destroying? To go thru life not noticing must be dreadful.

You simply have to read it. Start counting and writing!

Cheers for now.

Monday 17 May 2021


My plumber Bernard

When I received this photograph my first reaction was: Wow! You are looking so satisfied. And he is satisfied. Life treats him with kindness and mercy. He tells me that every night he has a roof over his head; hot water in the taps; food to eat and so the list can go on and on.

The other day we had a problem with our one specific toilet and I phoned Bernard. Yes, he can come any time I am ready to receive him. And he came. He had to travel from the other side of Johannesburg to my side in Sandton. That means he had to battle the heavy traffic despite covid-19 protocols in place in South Africa – although only on level 1, but nevertheless mid-city traffic is a problem. We battle with the taxis being somewhat of a law unto themselves and road rage and the normal other congestions of city traffic. Collisions. Delivery trucks that overturned or lost its cargo.

When he arrived at my house he got out of his car and he smiled at me and greeted me: “Good morning Uncle Neels, how are you?” Wow! This is a man just emerging from a battlefield! And he smiles. “How is Aunty Annemarié? O I am glad to hear she is also healthy and fine.” And so, the conversation goes on and on – he did not mention a word about the plumbing problem. We were discussing the recent rains and approaching winter. He told me that his one daughter is now living and working in the Lowfeld [Nelspruit town]; he is so happy that she does have a job to do. He longs for her; but she is working and is in a position to fend for herself. Nelspruit is so far from home that she couldn’t just jump in her car [or a taxi] and come home for the weekend. “Isn’t that a blessing, Uncle Neels?”

He lives a life of gratitude.

Bernard in the botanical gardens

After a rather protracted conversation he referred to the toilet. And he took out his tools and started working. Quietly. Calmly. Contently. Satisfied. He has a job to do.

“No thank you, I don’t want something to drink because it is a long way back home.” He gave me his account; and he left still very grateful for having had a job to do.

When I first met him, his hair was still pitch black. Now, it is turning grey and his movements are not as swift as a youngster, but he did a sterling job. We can breathe now!

I salute you, Bernard! I really do!