Tuesday 6 September 2022

God is making something new: a second day

God is making something new:  a second day

 Two poppies flowering

The one gentleman posted a photograph of his poppies – there is a second flower that opened up today. And he is so thankful for that. Brilliant colours – the best from His palette for us to enjoy. Exuberant. Over the top. Let us enjoy it.

Another lady posted her flowers that she is so grateful for. And she says that nature exploded in colour and aromas. We are at the receiving end of nature’s abundance.

Look at this flower arrangement.

Have you grown a pecan nut tree? And what is more, it is sprouting brand new leaves.

We have dendrobiums and wisteria growing next to one another and intertwined. Caressing. In a love dance.

Dendrobiums and wisteria in a love embrace

Clivias? A native of my country South Africa in abundance. Colourful splendour. A sight to behold.

Clivias [native to South Africa and I am proud] in abundance

My oak trees are growing. I got 32 acorn seeds in Franschhoek in the Western Cape during our roundtrip to the Cape in March 2022. And I harvested some 32 acorns 18 of which were fertile and the rest are on our compost heap. Up to date 5 sprouted and are growing. My idea is to keep them small – bonsai ideas. Then I will plant it on the pavement and keep trimming it and we can walk in my hedge of oak trees.

Have a nice day and tell me about the new things that are happening in your life: neelscoertse@wirelssza.co.za


Monday 5 September 2022

God is making something new - for us humans and plants

 Look at my brunsvigia radulosa sprouting after winter - those blue dots are indicating some of it

God is maming something new – and it has already begun; and it is, so to say, all about us humans and nature. The source for this amazing news is in the Book of Isaiah chapter 43. The English version reads: Verses 18 – 19: [English Standard Version]:

Remember not the former things, nor consider the things of old. Behold, I am doing a new thing: now it springs forth, do you not perceive it?  I will make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert.

You may consider that this is also a brand-new blog post – in a way it is. Let’s go about telling you about something new that is happening in my life [remember to tell me what is new right now in your life?] I urged our Bible study group to post for the next few days to Sunday 11 September 2022 [7x new stories] about something new happening in their lives. And the one elderly member was so excited when she said: “I had a brand-new cup of tea this morning.” Yes – she is thankful for a new fresh cuppa.

And I? I am thankful for my Brunsvigia radulosa. I sowed some seeds February - March 2021 and it sprouted. The plants die right back into the soil. And then, it sprouts round beginning of spring. I am so happy to welcome them back above ground. They were just resting from the ordeal of living above ground.

The same brunsvigia radulosa on 26 March 2021

This is what they looked like during covid-19 26 March 2021:

And this is what they now look like while sprouting from deep under the soil – this is resilience. Covered by soil; completely hidden. Now, there is life! On 5 September 2022 there is new life sprouting from underneath the soil.

Another lady posted a photograph of a tree across the street of a tree that is awash with brand new flowers.

This is the tree from across the street

Another gentleman is so proud of his poppy seeds pushing new flowers – his first success after many failed attempts in the past.

My friend's poppies flowering

Another gentleman tells us that he was successful navigating his daughter in law’s vehicle and to tune into the radio of that car.

I spoke to an erstwhile client of mine [thirty years ago] and she was happy to speak to me after so many years of silence. She called our conversation a blessing – and I do agree wholeheartedly with her. She told me she was healed by the Spirit of God from a deeply troublesome trauma in her life – and I could hear in her voice how sincere she was.

What are you grateful for and for what is new in your life right now?

Tomorrow? No, I am concerned about today 5 September 2022 and not tomorrow. It will come, but not yet. Let’s live today and see the new things in your and my lives.

Please write me a letter: neelscoertse@wirelessza.co.za