Thursday 7 January 2021



I am looking down onto my Bosvelder chickens
while they are feeding.

My Bosvelder chickens 

Ever since I was a young boy I had chickens - at times, for instance when I did my military training I did not had any. The last lot were the Hi-Lines which were bred for their egg laying capacity. And then they got old and were replaced by the Bosvelder's. Bosvelder means "from the bushveld" - they are very robust and strong chickens. It is the first time for me to have them and I am very satisfied.

They are the most colorful I ever had. I trust that you like my video of them while I was feeding them. 

We use their eggs which is a pleasure to harvest - at the moment, they are not producing and I am looking forward to harvest in the future. In the past I had some French guinea-fowl and I understand that they are bred for the table. We only ever used their eggs as well - those shells were all shade of brown and white and off-white. Wonderful birds those guinea-fowls. Maybe I should get some in future. In the meantime, I am enjoying these small Bosvelders and to see them growing up.