Monday 28 October 2019


The Chapel at Bishops Cape Town
Photo credit: News24 dated 21 October 2019

Interesting heading not so? One would think that virtue and wealth go hand in hand. The one flowing from the other. Not so! Far from it. Why do I say so? There is a very sad but true story that underscores the heading that to equate wealth the virtue is a very bad idea. It all started at the very wealthy and posh school in Cape Town called Bishops. A young teacher had apparently sexual relations with some of the boys at school - you can read a interesting story about this at the following link. On the face of it, it seems as if it is a school that should have a Christian ethic and ethos. But does it have it?

Be careful to put people on pedestals just because they have more money than you might have - or if it appears that they are rich and powerful. There are of course those that are super rich with super rich personalities and a Christian ethic and Christian ethos but not all of them have it. Take your time to assess. I have just finished reading Malcolm Gladwell's book TALKING TO STRANGERS and I can highly recommend it to you. It changes the way you are looking at life and more particularly at people. And this incident at Bishops underscores it. In Afrikaans I would say to you: "Katvoet loop. Katvoet." It means that you should tread lightly almost like a cat.