Wednesday 13 February 2019

96 Year Old who won the Nobel Prize reveals a secret

Remarkable achievement! Or is it?

I am fascinated by this thing God gives us and what we call LIFE! When I walk thru my garden and experience the vibrancy with the bees, many different birds, different insects like bugs and butterflies and the micro-organisms at work in my compost and my compost tea that I am making, I stop and think. How marvelous! How wonderful! You can join the choir singing HOW MARVELOUS HOW WONDERFUL by clicking on this link. I see life and death in my garden.

But when the Angel of Death takes away my sister who was barely 71 years old, it comes too close to your own skin. And yet, I am still fascinated by LIFE. That morning when my brother in law phoned me to tell about Petro's demise, I still had to open my chickens to roam free and to produce eggs: all 5 of my hens! And saw the new leafs sprouting from transplanted azaleas - and I realised that LIFE goes on in spite of death. 

Then I came across the above article and was once again amazed at LIFE. You can read the article by clicking on this link. Funny how we call what this learned man does, a secret! Why call it his secret? Well, it is to attract readers and that is why I called it his secret! April  2019 I will be a mere 69 years and I still practice my profession as a lawyer - I still go to court to have matters argued and decided! I work everyday doing work in my practice as a lawyer and doing something in my garden.

May God grant me the grace to continue living LIFE and experiencing it. May God grant you grace and peace in your LIFE and thank you for reading my blog.