Thursday 24 January 2019


Image of happiness: credit: internet images

The other Sunday in church our minister played a short internet video clip about the rat race! And the pursuit of happiness at all costs. Please have a look at it at this link. This video is by a most brilliant man namely Steve Cutts - I do give you  all the credit in the world for creating this great clip!

It is worth your while to watch the entire clip. 

Many years ago when I was a very young man, I heard the saying about the rat race. And at first I couldn't figure it out how that can be applicable on me, a human being. Then I begin to understand! And I promptly took a firm decision against it and I am standing by that decision many, many, many years later. My decision? The answer is extremely simple: I AM NOT A RAT! Why on earth do you want to compare yourself with a rat? Why? 

When I became converted to Jesus Christ, I new I was a new creature and His words in John 15 verse 11 are still true in my life: "I have told you this so that my joy may be in you and that your joy may be complete." It does not mean for one moment that I am always on top of the world. No not at all. It means that in my innermost being, I have joy and that trumps the so called happiness of the world. 

May you find it as well. Please write me a e-letter at: