Thursday 11 January 2018

Cheating and manipulation: Confessions of a gaslighter

Picture credit to the article on the internet 

Greg, a Canadian lawyer, is 28 but he's already had 11 serious relationships. He says each of those relationships ended with infidelity, on his part, and severe self-doubt on the part of the women. He is a self-confessed "gaslighter". Read this article at this link

You have to read this article and maybe, God forbid, you are in such a relationship. You have to get out of it as soon as is possible. 

There is of course another possibility and that is that your children are gaslighting on you as parents - how on earth do you get out of such a relationship? It does not have to be relationship couples; the permutations are endless. It is really painful if you are at the receiving end of your children pulling this stunt on their parents.