Thursday 6 July 2017


This guy was standing still spinning about 200 k.p.h.!
We all got a kick out of it!!

One of my readers and a fellow genealogist took time to reply to my blog post of yesterday [5 July 2017]. I encourage you to read and to join her; please tell me what do you do with your time? My e-mail address: 

I know I have readers all over the world - I would really like to hear from you. 

Hello Neels
I thought I would respond to your question especially as I retired at the end of 2016 so I now have much more free time.

I have been thinking about wasting time. What is wasting time? I think this means different things to different people. I am getting more sleep. Some people might consider that wasting time. I sometimes sit for a little while in my sunny diningroom watching the birds on my neighbours roof. Time waste? We have been so conditioned by our fast paced lifestyle to be constantly on the go that one can feel guilty about not being constantly productive. I have found watching SABC a waste of time. I hate soapies, adverts and polititions. I have never been a big fan of TV but did watch the weather forecast and 50/50. Both my son and I stopped watching TV some years ago but I still continued to pay the license. I decided this year to get rid of the TV and not pay the license. What a problem it is to get the SABC to understand that I do not have a TV! I followed their proceduces, submitted the form and affidavit. Each time I get a reminder I ring them or e mail them. Makes no difference to them. I have had several final demands. Now I ignore them. Time waste is ringing SABC .  Time waste is trying to ring city of joburg when they experience high call volumes. 

Yes I think I do spend too much time looking at my cell phone screen. Fb can be a waste of time but I have also learnt a lot by reading interesting articles or even watching u tube videos. One has more time to communicate with friends or family using a smart phone. One catches up with certain news items. I don't read the newspaper and don't always listen to the news on radio. My father used to subscribe to both the Cape Times and Cape Argus and often had the radio on.

Retirement definitely gives you more time to follow your hobbies. It is easier to get back to hobbies that one persued at some time than starting a completely new hobby. 

I gave up the genealogical research while working as trying to search through hundreds of documents at 10pm was exhausting. In fact I would nod off for a few seconds and nearly fall off my chair. 

I have time for the research now. I thought I had lost the all important file. I went into a bit of a panic! Fortunately I have found it and can now try to pick up the threads again.

With a lot of free time there is little pressure to get things done today, because there is always tomorrow! 

I always used to wonder what older people do with their time! Now that I am at that age group there does not seem to be so much time. The days go by quickly. The only problem is that one does not have much to show for how the time was spent. Perhaps I should write a daily journal.

Penny Evans

Wednesday 5 July 2017


My friend Alan Mason during the 2010 World Cup in South Africa

What do you do with your time? We all have only 24 hours per day to "spend." I know my friend Alan Mason is a very keen photographer. Some time ago he challenged himself to take one photograph per day for 365 days. He completed it with gusto and great photos. During the World Cup in South Africa him and I went to the Mary Fitzgerald Square in Johannesburg taking our cameras with to photograph this spectacle.

Do you my dear reader still tackle difficult tasks? Do you even set yourself difficult tasks just for the sake of it? Just to stimulate your life juices? 

My wife and I are still practicing law everyday of the week and I assure you that we have some pretty tough matters to attend to. Besides that we have other stuff to attend to as well, for instance growing vegetables, flowers and sculpting. 

Please write me an e-letter and tell me what do you do especially if you are older than 65 years of age. My e-address is: 

Have a look at the article that was published recently in 1843 Magazine by clicking on this link.