Wednesday 23 November 2016


Bentley 2016

Do you think that crime is located only in South Africa? Oh no! Even in Paris, France people get robbed in their motorcars. Super rich people get waylaid on their way from a Paris France, airport to their hotel and they got robbed - click here to read that story. If you travel to Paris, France, here is a travel tip only if you are really uber-rich:  Think about keeping your valuables at home.

That is how this article in the influential Washington Post started! Two sisters from Qatar were teargassed in a Bentley and robbed of $5million.

Well, Kim Kardashian got robbed in her hotel room in Paris, France while she was attending the fashion week just the other day. You can read all about it in the same article. 

South Africa is a great place to live - of course we have crime, so does France. And it happens all over the world. Thank you to all of you who don't do crime!! God bless you.

Monday 21 November 2016


Chief Justice Mogoeng Mogoeng - he puts Christ Jesus back in High Office

It is very refreshing to follow our Chief Justice Mogoeng Mogoeng's speeches and to see how consistently he refers to his faith in Christ Jesus. He longs for a more moral society and with leaders with integrity. I personally don't know any other Chief Justice of South Africa who were so openly in his testimony about a living faith in Christ.

On Thursday 17 November 2016 Mogoeng Mogoeng delivered the opening address at a gathering of Christ Redeemers Friends' International Church. He talked on the UN's 2030 agenda for sustainable development

On 27 May 2014 at Stellenbosch University he delivered a speech pleading for morality and integrity. You can view a video clip of the Chief Justice by clicking here, It is fascinating to listen to him. 

Journalist Poplak took the Chief Justice to task - read it here. Poplak seems to be in favour of an immoral society as long as it is within the law! "But there is no way to “elevate the role of love and the sensible discouragement of divorce,” because in a moral society adults are free to behave immorally within the bounds of the law. The key word here is choice. Who is the Chief Justice to insist that South Africans refrain from shagging their neighbour’s spouse because of some religiously mandated edict?" 

Journalist Poplak misses the point completely. Christ Jesus is against this immoral behavior. I agree fully with Mogoeng. Just look around you and see and read about the heartbreaks and shattered lives of immoral behavior. Christ Jesus is spot on. Read what He has to say about marriage and adultery in Matthew chapter 19. If you haven't got a Bible I urge you to go out and buy one and start reading it. If you have one, read it prayerfully everyday.  

Friday 18 November 2016



Please take notice of this important topic and the seminar that is scheduled for 1 December 2016 at Webber Wentzel, Sandton.

Modern day slavery, human trafficking and drugs are bed fellows - they are inseparable.

Yes, I am aware that slavery was outlawed many years ago and Brink wrote about the effects it had on the people during those times. Yet, you should remember that it was only outlawed at the time. Slavery is since then illegal but so is murder. Oscar Pistorius acted with disregard of this simple fact and today he is a murderer. So is slavery illegal, but it is still practiced. 

I invite you, if you are prepared to go deeper into this scourge of modern day slavery to have a look on the website of NEFARIOUS by clicking on this link. I further invite you to explore that website. Or go to this site by clicking on this link. You may even just use our old friend Dr Google by typing "modern day slavery" or click here

I trust that when you go to bed tonight that you will be acutely aware of this scourge and that you will say a word of prayer to Jesus Christ. And maybe, just maybe by tomorrow you might have done something extra for these people. Or for refugees.

Thursday 3 November 2016


Tower of Hope, Troyeville, Johannesburg

Deep inside Troyeville, Johannesburg there is was a disused and redundant cell phone tower on the property of Andrew Lindsay where he runs his Spaza Art shop and workplace. He with the help of an unknown artist with the pseudonym of R1 and a trash collector Isaac, they re-created this redundant piece of steel into a symbol of hope for the people of South Africa. When you click on the link you can read more about this wonderful project. 

You can also see a short video clip of this Tower by clicking on this link.

Yes, in spite of all the negativity and the antics of Jakob Zuma and his Gupta cronies, there is hope.

The entrance to the Tower of Hope at the Spaza Art Shop, Troyeville, Johannesburg

Yes, I as a Christian believe that there is hope for our people - even for the angry students, for Jakob and his Guptas and all their shaky friends. 

Thank you Andrew, R1 and Isaac for your initiative and message of hope that shines out over Johannesburg and now all over the world