Monday 28 October 2013

SAPS: Who are the real criminals?

This is NOT a Police General.
Neither is it General Phiyega!
Neither is it General Finished and Klaar!
BEELD Monday 28 October 2013 page 8.
The author of the above article in BEELD of Monday 28 October 2013 asks the same question? I suggest that Krejcir & even Agliotti might have some valuable clues to these questions.

Thursday 17 October 2013

Cabinet Minister was lying to Parliament! Shame on you!

The report in today's BEELD [17 October 2013] on page 6 tells this story of the honourable Dina Pule who was fined by Parliament for telling lies. She had to pay one month's salary and she was kicked out of Parliament for one month. .

She was supposed to disclose assets - but she failed to do so. Now Prof Ben Turok is reported to have said that the real question about this lady is whether she will be honest this time.

This is very bad and it stinks!! Let me say that we do not need "better systems." Our systems are in essence well thought out and tough. It is people that drive it that is the problem - like this honourable member of Parliament.

We need honesty, integrity, a work ethic, trustworthiness, morality - and so I can go on and list these qualities that are so sadly lacking in our community.

Thursday 10 October 2013

Constitutional Court Judges About Turn - Trustworthy?

Look what is happening in our highest court in the land: The Constitutional Court. These two judges [Chris Jafta & Bess Nkabinde] who started it all, and who were initially very adamant about their allegations, are now turning their coats - so it seems to me from the side-bar. I suspect that the next thing we will see are photographs of them similar to the one I will post below. And you will remember that it is a real photo of one the advocates who were scrapped from the roll as advocates not so long ago.

I challenge them to stand their ground, come out and give evidence under oath at the Commission of Inquiry!