Monday 19 August 2013

Police Officers who are convicted murderers!!!

In today's BEELD 19 August 2013 page 4 there is this report that there are 54 police officers who were convicted of murder - and they are still on the job as police officers in the SAPS. How on earth is that possible? These murderers are being protected by officers that are still higher up - how else?

Wednesday 14 August 2013

It takes a thief to catch a thief - applicable on the South African Police Service

Not even safe in the hands of the SAPS!

In today's BEELD [15 August 2013] and at page 4 there is an article about the convicted criminals who are Police officers - one of which a major-general. There are apparently more than 300 of them working today looking after our safety!

One can become flippant about this situation - the Police Services will just shrug and continue regardless!

This situation was disclosed by Lt-Genl Nkrumah Mazibuko to members of Parliament. He also disclosed that there are policemen who use other people's fingerprints on application forms.

I challenge the SAPS to give cogent reasons why we, the people should trust them? Why? Unfortunately we have to use them at times - not because we trust them, but we are forced to do so.