Tuesday 30 July 2013

Judge Maqubela died while having sex with call girl & THE BANGLADORE PRINCIPLES OF JUDICIAL CONDUCT

Not how a judge should operate

The Times Live newspaper of 28 August 2012 filed this report about the Judge who was found dead in his home. His wife is on trial for this killing. The allegations that are made during this trial is a case in point about the applicability of the Bangalore Principles of Judicial Conduct for inter alia judges.

I think it is absolutely deplorable and horrendous that there these type of allegations are flying around and that against a judge. A person in that capacity should be above reproach and far, far, far above these allegations.

I remind you about our local judge who initially only had tea to drink and he crashed the Governmental Jaguar backwards nogal into a garden wall late at night: Judge Nkola Motata. It is very easy to locate this "judicial" story on the internet: google "drunk judge" and you will find it in a flash.


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