Thursday 13 June 2013

Back to Prison.

Not a nice newspaper report to read.

Gert Van Schalkwyk & Reinach Tiedt should go back to prison after spending about 18 months outside. You probably remember the so-called Waterkloof 4? The guys that were found guilty of murdering an unidentified man in a Pretoria park and sentenced to do time in prison. Then the mentioned two were let out on correctional supervision. Yesterday 12 June 2013 Mr Justice Fabricius delivered the court's judgment and ordered these two murderers to go back to jail.

I ask the question what about Shabir Shaik? Is he still alive? Death was imminent - he was terminally ill.

Tuesday 11 June 2013


Constitutional Court Emblem

I appeared yesterday [10 June 2013] at the Refugee Appeal Board [RAB] on behalf of a refugee. On 6 December 2012 Mr Justice Fabricius in the matter of MAIL & GUARDIAN MEDIA v CHIPU Case number 22645/2011 declared the rules in terms of which the RAB operates, invalid from 6 December 2012.  These guys are still operating under these invalid rules. And they are oblivious of the declaration!!!

The matter then proceeded to the Constitutional Court where it was argued on 14 May 2013. Judgment was reserved.

My matter was postponed pending the outcome of the Constitutional case. But they proceeded with all the other matters. I was informed that since 6 December 2012 the RAB continued regardless of the judgment of Fabricius J in the above matter!!

What next?

Wednesday 5 June 2013

Keys to unlock the law

I  once wrote and said that the law can be a closed book. Some one asked me if that being the case, how can it be opened? The keys to unlock the law are many and varied. It starts off with one's academic education, then experience and closely & inextricably linked to that is the lawyer doing his homework as best he can. That is why I am very proud of my law library - you look at the very heart of my practice. Those are extremely valuable keys - I cannot do without it.